The full Early Careers journey: Vacationer to Trainee to Grad

Meet Harry Rosengren, who has experienced all that PwC has to offer in their Early Careers space.

Meet Harry Rosengren, who has experienced all that PwC has to offer in their Early Careers space. Harry started at PwC as a vacationer, then moved into being a trainee and now begins his journey as a graduate. His experience has been one of growth and pathways thus far. 
Tell us your PwC story. How did you get here? Where are you now?
I first joined PwC in November 2021 as a Summer Vacationer. I was in the penultimate year of my Finance and Accounting degree at Macquarie University. I wanted a role that could facilitate growth in my industry knowledge and skills through working in a client-facing role with industry professionals. My vacationer program was 7 weeks, in which I learnt a lot about the accounting industry and corporate life. 

Following the vacationer program, I was fortunate enough to be kept on by PwC as a Trainee in my final year of university, in which I worked part-time, 3 days a week. It wasn't easy juggling my last year of uni with part-time work and trying to keep a social life, but it taught me strides in time management and organisation skills. 

As I graduate from uni, I am excited to continue through the PwC pathways and join the 2023 Graduate Program.
What initially attracted you to PwC? Now that you're here, what makes your work at PwC different?
For me, it was the people and coaching. From discussions with my peers, PwC had a fantastic reputation around the level of coaching and development poured into vacationers and graduates. So it was a matter of asking myself, "Do I want to learn from the best accountants in Australia?". And the answer was a resounding "Yes!"

Over a year into my employment at PwC, I would still very much agree with my initial stance. I have received outstanding coaching and mentorship throughout my time. 

However, some of my greatest moments working have been where I have dared to be independent, to work things out myself and to challenge myself. The responsibility and flexibility in "how" you work has been one of the most fantastic attractions to me. Many leaders at PwC understand that coaching and teaching aren't always about telling you the "right" answer but instead letting you solve problems and challenge yourself.

What support has PwC provided you to find new career pathways?

Through my journey and having three roles in my short time at PwC, there has obviously been enormous support surrounding me and my development in my future career path. 

There are so many teams and business units in PwC. There really are endless opportunities that will meet anyone's needs. I have been fortunate to land in a team that I love, but I have also seen firsthand that the team aims to place people into positions where they can thrive and develop them for their future endeavours.  

More than that, my time at PwC has given me much support in my career development. PwC has allowed significant growth in my career by exposing me to more challenging tasks, all whilst receiving strong coaching and support.
How has your career/work changed over time?
Whilst my career is new, and I am only right at the beginning, I have already seen enormous strides in confidence and ownership in my work. 

The amount of support, coaching and development provided by PwC has significantly improved my output in the workplace. One key piece for me was understanding that feedback is crucial to improvement; that has allowed me to take ownership of the work I produce to get real-time feedback and coaching into what I can improve on and require moving forward. 

This has only been possible from the emphasis PwC puts on its people and career progression. I am excited to see how my career and work changes over the coming years with the support of the great people at PwC.

What one piece of advice would you give to your younger self?
One piece of advice to my younger self would be to say "Yes". The number of people, experiences, and opportunities has exponentially increased since I started saying "Yes" to most things. From coffee catch-ups to tasks at work, say "Yes" to it all (within reason, of course). 

Saying "Yes" will put you in contact with people you wouldn't think you'd meet or get you doing tasks that you maybe thought you couldn't do. It has been the greatest way to increase my network, knowledge and confidence. It may put you in uncomfortable positions sometimes, but that is the root of growth, and it will allow you to discover what you're good at and where you need to improve.

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