Kaitlyn said, “I was assigned a team leader with regular catch ups where we went over goals, interests and challenges. And we celebrated the success together, analysed what went well and how to continue improving”.
Her team leader and other mentors in her teams proved extremely helpful after her first day on client work as a trainee where she felt a bit uncertain in how to proceed with her projects. They sat down and came up with a learning approach to help her navigate the uncertainties and set her up for success.
She overcame these uncertainties quickly as she realised how supported she was at PwC. Her work was tailored to help her grow and learn, and she was encouraged to ask questions and step out of her comfort zone. The strong bond she had formed with her trainee cohort also helped as they all had various backgrounds and experiences. With frequent lunches, team events, networking opportunities and more, there was always a chance to leverage a friend.