Q: What have the opportunities been like to diversify your skills within technology consulting?
Josh: The benefit to being in a relatively small team is that there are always opportunities to step out of your comfort zone and dip your toes into new and exciting roles! In my current engagement I have had four or five roles over the last 18 months and learned so much.
Outside of my client work I have been given the opportunity to complete Amazon Web Services (AWS), Salesforce and Certified Scrum Master (CSM) certifications. There are also plenty of opportunities for developing leadership and mentoring skills as we have a close relationship with the University of Canberra where we offer Industry Based Learning (internship) opportunities to students.
Ted: I always thought that being a technology generalist would mean that I would talk conceptually but never know the details. At PwC it’s the opposite, where a technology generalist learns new tools quickly and supports our people with implementing, using and maturing those technologies. I have learnt five BI tools, three cloud platforms and three configuration management tools while working at PwC for the last three years.